Storyboard Artist and Writer

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long time lahhhh o:

hey, its elleanator! :3

its been a while and now its the term 2 holidays! :D they are so many things going on. I will start with the first one.

9th july: fighting games day. IT WAS SOOO FUN. :D all of my homie-Gs came and play with us! and ate yummy lazagne. xD delicious italian food <3 bunny's thumb was sore after playing tekken like insanely. xD watched fantastic mr. fox for a while from the blu-ray. we've been playing DOA, naruto ultimate ninja storm, tekken, soul calibur, super smash brawl and some other games I dont remember. xD it was the best. (Y)

11 july: Did a play in front of my church. Gawd, Im the main character which is jesus. xD I have to do a dramatic pose. apparently the script says "elle: *do dramatic kung fu pose while fighting the wolf* " it was soooo embarrassing. its even recorded. D: Im so dead. stupid script-writer. xD

there's many things happen in the holidays. I might post them later cause my hands are tired.

Peace out, dawgs! <3 :D